Year: 2020

Year: 2020

The top 9 ways Microsoft IT is enabling remote work for its employees
22 March 2020 Uncategorized Axia

Last week, as COVID-19 cases continued to spread around the world, millions of people moved to remote work. We were right there with them. From Milan to Puget Sound, tens of thousands of Microsoft employees in impacted areas have begun working from home. Many of our customers have asked us to share the details of how we enable remote work for such

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COVID-19 – Business Update
17 March 2020 Uncategorized Axia

Dear Customers  Following the latest guidance from the government this afternoon, some of our staff will be switching to home working. This includes our support and managed service team, this will in no way impact the services we deliver as we have robust Business Continuity plans in place, please continue to contact axia and interface with the team in the

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15 February 2020 Web Site Notices Axia

Welcome to our new website, released on March 2020, let us know your thoughts.

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